The MADZI ALIPO Management System
The Madzi Alipo System is NOT just a tool for Water Point Mapping. It is a platform which incorporates a FULL management plan for assisting vulnerable communities gain access to a working water source. From data capturing and updating to decision making, application and communication between agencies offering support, the system brings together information gathered from all levels - from GRASSROOTS to GOVERNMENT. It enables communities to raise their plight to the attention of businesses, agencies and area mechanics, and monitors the results of interventions, training and part supplies.
Multiple agencies COLLECT WATER POINT DATA through surveys and a telephone call centre, data is validated and historical information securely stored.

Initial data collection requires site visits.
Historical datasets can be merged, duplicates removed, agencies notified.
Once collected, all future information can be captured via a telephone survey, interaction with the committees directly, all users informed.
Data from other mapping/dataset systems can be merged and utilised.

Why is the community using the river as an open water source?
Do they have access to an alternative infrastructure for water collection?
Visually analysing the water point data, the reason for the community using the river can be seen via the red pins which represent malfunctioning water points.

DISSEMINATION OF DATA to government and agencies in report form. Alternatively data can be accessed and relevant reports can be generated online by the user.

Thanks to the availability of this information, ACTION CAN BE TAKEN to locate parts, inform area mechanics and train committees in preventative maintenance and repair.

© 2016 Madzi Alipo, Fishermans Rest