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Join the Fisherman's Family

Whether you want to visit Malawi or if you have been before or don't ever intend to step onto the African continent but want to keep in touch with what is going on - keep reading


We couldn't do everything we do without the support of people fundraising & giving floods of encouragement.   If you want to get invovled in book donations, running crazy races or getting your hair cut for a good cause then please have alook at our fundraising pack for ideas and support....

Prayer Support

Working anywhere in the world offers daily challenges and Malawi is no exception.  If you would like prayer point updates, please click the link and join our prayer letter updates...


Corporate Involvement

Companies across Europe and the UK support our projects in Malawi and so much of what has been achieved is down to CSR.  If your company wants to make a real difference to a community in Malawi please follow the link to find out more...


Volunteer in Malawi

If you have some free time and a lot of love for Malawi why not spend some time on projects and make Fisherman's Rest a little part of your day to day life?
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